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LINUX를 사용하면 터미널(Terminal) 화면이 가장 중요하고 유용한 도구입니다.
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Debian Linux (.deb) vs. Red Hat Linux (.rpm)
Since its conception in 1991, then by the time of year 2010, LINUX-GNU Open Source Operating System has established its superior stability and cost-efficiency to many computer users. Based on the TuneFind's limited experience of LINUX Operating System, we recognized two major types of software package management. One is debian type package management system such as Ubuntu and Mint. The other one is red hat package-management (RPM) system. Since LINUX-GNU inherited traditional UNIX operating system, there are huge numbers of software from module to application accumulated, and they must be sorted out to load-or-not-to-load, update, and so on. The pieces of software are organized as packages and the entire packages are managed by either debian type package management (Ubuntu, Mint etc.), or red hat type package management (Fedora etc.). When you look at the extention of package filename, you can recognize the type of file management; .deb means Debian type (Ubuntu, Mint etc.), .rpm means RPM type (Fedora etc.). You better discern clearly which type of LINUX-GNU OS you are running; Debian type or Red-Hat type.
How to do text copy while in Terminal.
When you become a serious user of LINUX-GNU Operating System, you inevitably have to learn back-to-1960s-or-1970s way of running the computer; that is command line typing and its execution in Terminal (usually black screen with a blinking cursor prompting to type). Back then, gigantic UNIX computers were housed in a special computer room in the famous universities or corporations, and they were so expensive that no ordinary person can buy it personally. Non of ordinary person can touch and hug the computer itself except administrators. This was the way the UNIX Operating System developed. What an ordinary user allowed was to access (login) to the UNIX computer system via so-called Terminal computer/screen, which were distributed to faculty offices, corporate executive rooms, and university library computer user rooms. The Terminal computer and central UNIX computer system were cable-connected, and the ordinary persons were allowed to access physically only to the Terminal computer/screen, which booted up only to the remote access screen of command line operations. Thus, it got the name "Terminal". In the Terminal, you need to type UNIX commands always to do a certain job.
If you are the first timer on UNIX-LINUX command line usage, you better consult UNIX-LINUX introductory book to master some essential UNIX commands. For example, ls (for directory listing), cp (to copy), rm (to remove a file or a directory), cd (to change directory) so on. Once you master these essential commands, you can move and swim around the vast new world, neatly organized under the root (/). Your impression would be ambivalent; very conservative and no changes for file-and-folder listing and their permission system; such as those foundations of UNIX-LINUX architecture may last for hundreds and hundreds of years to come without any change. On the other hand, you notice the newest innovations based on the UNIX-LINUX system such as wireless electro-magnetic devices Android. Ultra conservancy and new innovation co-habits in this UNIX-LINUX world. Here is one comment from a WEB-server administrator; why server administrators are fond of Fedora and CentOS from Red Hat LINUX, becuase everything you do on the GUI (Graphical User Interface), you can also run it by the command line in Terminal, furthermore there are very good user-support documentations available on Web.
Are you ready to use around the LINUX command line system in Terminal? Now TuneFind will disclose a few useful keyboard procedures (short-cuts), which can save your time and accelerate work efficienty tremendously. (One moment)
How to update Adobe Flash plugin.
While you view YouTube video in Ubuntu such as 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), time to time, you may get the black-out phenomena, suggesting that you need to update in order to view the video. This notice may trigger the sentiment of hustle; "what should I do?". At least around later year 2014 and early year 2015, TuneFind can tell the easiest and the reliable solution. Don't do anything on Web browser and its GUI (Graphical User Interface). Completely close Web browser and get the clean Desktop screen. Then run just only the Terminal, and issue the following command line exactly as described below, then Adobe Flash Plugin will be successfully updated. After that you can get back to view the Internet video streaming again.
Debian type LINUX (only Ubuntu OS tested and worked)
$ sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installerBased on our experience, the above procedure practically makes YouTube video streaming back to work, however, you still see the black-out message. While seeing the black-out update message, only a click makes starting the video. If you don't want to see the black-out message, we recommend a perfection prodecure which updates not only Flashplugin but also Firefox browser (as described below). By doing so both then you won't see any trace of the black-out message anymore.
$ sudo apt-get install firefox
RPM type LINUX (not yet tested, excuse TuneFind)
$ su - root # yum install flash-plugin # yum install firefox
Please give TuneFind time to verify the non-tested information (3/20/2015).